Forest & Land Use Working Group

We support investors in developing risk management processes, investment policies, and engagement programs that will contribute to ending deforestation.

This working group will support capacity building on;

  • Investor practice: members’ integration of deforestation policy, and analysis of deforestation impacts in their portfolios, and
  • Policy engagement: investor members signing up for policy statements and connecting to deforestation-related statements/initiatives.

The Forest and Land Use working group is made possible with the support of The Finance Hub.


Created by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to advance sustainable finance. 


Seiji Kawazoe
Global Initiatives Fellow, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management

Jane Karen Ho
Head of Stewardship for Asia Pacific, BNP Paribas Asset Management


Wisnu Wibisono
Project Manager, Investor Practice, AIGCC

Email Wisnu Wibisono

Asia: A Hotspot for Deforestation

Asian countries are among the top ten trade destinations for forest risk commodities.

South East Asia is one of the largest deforestation fronts and hotspots due to forest risks commodities production.

“Net zero is entirely incompatible with continued investment in fossil fuels. Similarly, deforestation and other environmentally destructive activities are disqualifying.”

-UN High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitment of Non-State Entities

For Our Members

We provide investors with tools and guidance to develop policy on deforestation related risk​, with a focus on soft commodities and land use​, connection to climate and net zero strategies.

Building Capacity

Through the following:

  1. Deforestation working group​,
  2. Deforestation masterclasses​, and
  3. Asia-focused research, and
Investor Engagement

To drive the integration of deforestation policy and portfolio deforestation analysis by investor members.

Policy Engagement

To facilitate investor members signing up for policy statements and connect to deforestation-related statements/ initiatives.

Deforestation and land use change is a key area where investors are realising the increased need in managing emissions and the biggest driver of biodiversity loss due to habitat destruction.

Sustainable land management strategies will provide ample investment opportunities in natural climate solutions.

Monica BaeDirector, Investor Practice, AIGCC 

Latest Forest & Land Use News, Resources, and Events.

Nature Risk in Asia Pacific Economies

Report | AIGCC & PwC | 14 May 2024

New report: Nature at a Tipping Point shows that over half of Asia Pacific’s economy directly dependent on nature. Asia Pacific’s (APAC) economies are particularly vulnerable to nature-related risks, including biodiversity loss, pollution and fresh water availability.


Download the Summary Slides

New research: Over half of Asia Pacific’s economy directly dependent on nature.

24 April 2024

Asia Pacific’s (APAC) economies are particularly vulnerable to nature-related risks, including biodiversity loss, pollution and fresh water availability, according to data released today by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) and PwC.