Monica Bae

Director, Investor Practice

Monica Bae is Director of Investor Practice at AIGCC. She manages collaborative engagement with investors in Asia to build capacity and integrate climate-related issues in investment processes, and to increase capital flow into decarbonization to align with a 1.5 degrees future.

She oversees work across several thematic focus areas relating to Paris-aligned investments, energy transition, and forest & land use. She also leads the strategy development and oversees the AIGCC’s Forest and Land Use workstream that supports investors through capacity building and implementation to address deforestation within Asia’s context. She is passionate in facilitating the development of sustainable investments in Asia and is part of global and regional coalitions of leading financial institutions that spearheads sustainable finance initiatives.

In July 2024, Monica was appointed as an Industry Advisory Panel member to the Joint Sustainable Finance Working Group (JSFWG), for a two-year term. The JSFWG is jointly organised by The ASEAN Capital Markets Forum and the ASEAN Working Committee on Capital Market Development.

Monica has over 16 years of experience in financial services and economic research, especially in managing private debt funds for Asian institutional investors and structuring investment products. Most recently, she was the regional lead in leading nature-positive engagement with Asian capital markets stakeholders at CDP.

자연 관련 위험에 노출된 아시아 자본 시장

27 January 2025

2024년 5월, AIGCC와 PwC는 아태지역에 투자하는 기관투자자를 위해 자연 관련 리스크 관리 가이드 및 사례를 분석한 보고서, '전환점에 선 자연 리스크 (Nature at a Tipping Point)'를 발간하였습니다. 이 보고서는 자연 관련 리스크를 어떻게 식별하고 해결할 수 있는지 지침을 제공하며, 아태지역의 투자자와 기업들이 자연에 대한 의존성, 영향, 리스크 및 기회를 어떻게 평가, 공시 및 관리하고 있는지 사례가 포함되어 있습니다.

전환점에 선 자연 리스크

Report | 아시아 기후변화 투자자 그룹(AIGCC) | 2025년 1월

2024년 5월, AIGCC와 PwC는 아태지역에 투자하는 기관투자자를 위해 자연 관련 리스크 관리 가이드 및 사례를 분석한 보고서, ‘전환점에 선 자연 리스크 (Nature at a Tipping Point)’를 발간하였습니다. 이 보고서는 자연 관련 리스크를 어떻게 식별하고 해결할 수 있는지 지침을 제공하며, 아태지역의 투자자와 기업들이 자연에 대한 의존성, 영향, 리스크 및 기회를 어떻게 평가, 공시 및 관리하고 있는지 사례가 포함되어 있습니다.


Net Zero Investment Framework (NZIF) Implementation Guidance for Objectives and Targets

Guides | Produced by IIGCC, supported by AIGCC, Ceres, and IGCC | January 2025

This Net Zero Investment Framework (NZIF) Implementation Guidance for Objectives and Targets is a comprehensive and technical guidance for asset owners and asset managers that are using the NZIF. Asset owners and managers may wish to consider as they set their individual net zero objectives and targets for a net zero investment strategy or to fulfil the requirements of a net zero commitment.

Download the Guidance

Letter to Financial Services Commission, Republic of Korea – To Commence Mandatory Sustainability Disclosure in 2026

Policy Submissions | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 7 October 2024

A group of investors, responsible for more than USD 3.5+ trillion (₩4,700 trillion) in assets under management, recommends the FSC set out a clear sustainability-related disclosure roadmap as well as to mandate a phased-in approach to climate disclosure by 2026.

Read the Letter