Policy & Advocacy

We contribute to the collective effort to influence policy that enables investors across Asia to allocate capital in a transition to net zero.

Emerging Policy Issues

Energy Transition

Supporting government policy that unlocks a rapid clean energy transition.


Working alongside regulators and governments to reform climate disclosure rules.

Climate Financing

Including taxonomies and other legislation to support the flow of sustainable finance.

Physical Risk

Understanding the implications of the physical impacts of climate change and helping build resilience to protect economies.

Global​ Engagement

International Forums

Bringing the Asian investor perspective to discussions with;

  • United Nations forums including COP,
  • G20,
  • G7,
  • ASEAN.
Peer Network Collaborations

We facilitate a global voice on climate and finance policy with;

  • IGCC in Australia,
  • Ceres in the USA,
  • IIGCC in Europe,
  • PRI and CDP internationally.

Regional Engagement

Advocating for policies that will unlock the billions that investors can allocate to climate solutions.

The Asian Utilities Engagement Program

AIGCC’s program to help investors and service providers engage with Asia’s systematically important electric utilities on climate.
Read more…


Bringing together investors, policy-makers and regulators.


Providing the investor perspective on policies that are currently in development.

View all submissions

Direct 1:1 Engagement

In-depth discussion with key government decision-makers on current and emerging policy themes.

The Asian Utilities Engagement Program

Decarbonising Asia’s energy system is crucial to protecting our economies.

In 2021 AIGCC launched the AUEP program to help investors and service providers engage effectively with Asia’s systematically important electric utilities on climate.

Find out more

Key Resources

AIGCC regularly makes policy submissions and position papers – for the full list of our submissions, please click here.

Background Briefing: The Economic Cost to Japan of Delayed Transition to Net Zero Based on data released by the NGFS

December 2024.

Climate damage would deliver an almost 10 percent annual hit to Japan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if current global climate policy trajectories continue, according to new economic modelling. The analysis is derived from new data released by the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

Investor Expectations of National Adaptation Plans in Asia

November 2024

The members of AIGCC’s Physical Risks Working Group have put together the following list of key asks from governments on the various elements of the National Adaptation Plan process:

  1. Outline a consistent, national view of physical climate risk
  2. Ensure corporate disclosure on physical risks
  3. Engagement with the private sector and financial institutions
  4. Inclusion of action-oriented points on implementation and financing strategies

Policy Brief for COP29

November 2024

As COP29 convenes in Baku, amidst a backdrop of escalating climate impacts and urgent calls for increased ambition, AIGCC presents this briefer to highlight the perspectives of investors active in Asian markets on climate finance

Latest Policy & Advocacy News, Resources, and Events.

Minako Takaba

Minako is Senior Manager, Japan, Energy Transition at AIGCC. She is responsible for developing and implementing AIGCC’s energy transition initiatives across all programs in Japan. She collaborates closely with policymakers, domestic and international investors, and other stakeholders to achieve AIGCC’s mission of energy transition. She joined AIGCC in January 2025, bringing 17 years of experience in ESG and sustainable investment from her roles at an ESG rating agency and asset management companies.

ブリーフィング: ネットゼロへの移行の遅れが日本にもたらす経済的コスト NGFS(141の中央銀行および金融規制当局から成るグローバルな組織)が公開したデータに基づく

Policy Briefings | 気候変動に関するアジア投資家グループ(AIGCC) | 2024年12⽉



Background Briefing: The Economic Cost to Japan of Delayed Transition to Net Zero Based on data released by the NGFS – a global group of 141 central banks and financial regulators

Policy Briefings | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | December 2024

Climate damage would deliver an almost 10 percent annual hit to Japan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if current global climate policy trajectories continue, according to new economic modelling. The analysis is derived from new data released by the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

Read the Briefing