Nigel DeCoopman

Policy Manager

Nigel is based in Tokyo and supports the implementation of the Asia Utilities Engagement Program and the Energy Transition Working Group. He is involved in member and stakeholder engagement, including with financial regulators and policymakers.

Policy Roundtable on Japan’s Energy Plan (closed-door)

Roundtable | Tokyo, Japan | 3 October 2024 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
AIGCC and Nissay Asset Management will be co-hosting a closed-door, in-person discussion with policymakers and investors to discuss developing an ambitious pathway for achievement of Japan’s net zero and energy transition targets, both in the short term and long term.

AIGCC Policy Update – May 2024

Policy Briefings | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | May 2024

AIGCC rounds up key policy highlights in the region for Q2 2024.


Q4 2023 Japan Working Group

Working Group Meeting | Hybrid (in-person at Nikko AM Tokyo office and Zoom) | 16 November 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Theme: Assessing corporate transition plans


Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉

投資家気候⾏動計画(ICAPs) 期待達成レベル評価 は、投資家が既存のイニシアティブやガイダンスを 利⽤する唯⼀かつ包括的なフレームワークを通じ て、気候変動への⾏動をサポートするものです。


グリーンウォッシュと その回避方法: アジア金融業界向け 入門ガイド (日本版 2023 年 10 月更新版)

Report | AIGCC & ClientEarth | 2023 年 10 月

