Lin Kang

Program Manager, China

Lin joined AIGCC in 2023. She will be responsible for AIGCC’s three core pillars of work in China: investor awareness and capacity building, investor practice enhancement and leading the strategy for policy engagement.

Lin has over 12 years of extensive experience in the environmental sector. Prior to joining AIGCC, she was at an international non-governmental organisation and a prestigious think tank affiliated with the State Council, specialising in government and stakeholder engagement and advocacy. She also has over 5 years of experience in active engagement in United Nations Convention negotiations.

Submission to China’s Three Stock Exchanges’ Public Consultation on “Self-Regulatory Supervision Guidelines for Listed Companies – Sustainability Report (Trial)”

Policy Submissions | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2024

AIGCC welcomes the opportunity to participate in the public consultation for the Self-Regulatory Supervision Guidelines for Listed Companies – Sustainability Report (Trial) (“the Guidelines”) and we have submitted our recommendations to China’s three stock exchanges.

Read the Submission

AIGCC就中国三大证券交易所《可持续发展报告 (试行)(征求意见稿)》的意见反馈

Policy Submissions | 亚洲投资者气候变化联盟 | 2024年3⽉



投资者⽓候⾏动 计划(ICAPs)期望阶梯

Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉

投资者⽓候⾏动计划 (ICAPs) 期望阶梯以现有的 倡议和资源为基础,为投资者提供了⼀套统 ⼀、全⾯的⾃我评估和转型规划框架,以帮助 投资者采取⽓候⾏动。
