Topic: Governance & Disclosure
Climate Action 100+ 2023年进展更新
Report | Climate Action 100+ | 2024年1⽉
Climate Action 100+ 2023년 현황
Report | Climate Action 100+ | 2024년 1월
여전히 해야 할 일이 훨씬 더 많지만, 전반적으로 지난 해에는 이니셔티브의 세 가지 목표에 대한 진척이 지속적으로 이루어 졌습니다. 여기에서 말한 세 가지 진척 사항은, 77% 의 포커스 기업이 최소한 스코프 1, 스코프 2 에 대해 2022년 대비 넷제로를 실현하겠다고 약속한 것, 93%가 기후 변화 리스크 및 기회에 대해 감독하는 이사회 내 위원회를 설치한 것, 90%의 포커스 기업이 공시 정보를 TCFD 권장 사항에 맞추겠다고 명시적으로 약속한 것을 의미합니다.
보고서 읽기
Submission: Indonesia Sustainable Taxonomy Consultative Paper
Policy Submissions | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | December 2023
AIGCC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Indonesia Sustainable Taxonomy (TBI) public consultation draft published by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in November 2023.
Investor Progress on Net Zero: An Update for Policy Makers
Policy Briefings | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 30 November 2023
A stocktake of 183 Asian headquartered investors, with $33 trillion AUM.
30 November 2023
New data analysing the climate practices of 183 Asia-headquartered investors with $33 trillion under management shows a high recognition of climate risks and opportunities, widespread formal climate disclosures, and long-term target setting.
18 October 2023
The results show that most focus companies are not moving fast enough to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and reduce investors’ risk.
投资者⽓候⾏动 计划(ICAPs)期望阶梯
Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉
投资者⽓候⾏动计划 (ICAPs) 期望阶梯以现有的 倡议和资源为基础,为投资者提供了⼀套统 ⼀、全⾯的⾃我评估和转型规划框架,以帮助 投资者采取⽓候⾏动。
Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉
投資家気候⾏動計画(ICAPs) 期待達成レベル評価 は、投資家が既存のイニシアティブやガイダンスを 利⽤する唯⼀かつ包括的なフレームワークを通じ て、気候変動への⾏動をサポートするものです。
グリーンウォッシュと その回避方法: アジア金融業界向け 入門ガイド (日本版 2023 年 10 月更新版)
Report | AIGCC & ClientEarth | 2023 年 10 月
The Japan edition of “Greenwashing and how to avoid it: An introductory guide for Asia’s finance industry”
Report | AIGCC & ClientEarth | 4 October 2023
The report presents regulatory and voluntary measures that have been introduced around the world to combat greenwashing. The report puts a particular focus on Japan, which has taken several key steps to address the issue of greenwashing in the financial sector.