Resource type: Report

Climate Action 100+ Progress Update 2022

Report | Climate Action 100+ | January 2023

Throughout the existential changes of the last five years, Climate Action 100+ has continued to change the global conversation, putting the spotlight on the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters and the important role of investors in corporate engagement: a major and unrivalled achievement, and one that continues to gain momentum.


Translating to Action: Net Zero Investment in Asia

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | December 2022

AIGCC has surveyed a group of climate focused investors in Asia. The results from this cohort, with USD 7.9 trillion in assets under management, provide an important insight into how leading investors in Asia are acting on climate and incorporating climate opportunities and challenges into their investment process.


Asian Utilities Engagement Program 21-22 Progress Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | July 2022

At AUEP’s one-year mark, three additional investors were joining the program, taking the combined assets under management or advice by the participating investors to $US 10 trillion. Two new focus companies have been added: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) and Huaneng Power International. Indonesia will be an important focus country going forward as it works towards a just transition away from coal as currently, 14GW of coal-fired power is still expected to come online before 2030.

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AIGCC 2021 Annual Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2022

2021 saw the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) turn five years old. After modest beginnings of a handful of members and staff, and a launch in Singapore, AIGCC has grown rapidly as the region’s investors grapple with the complexity and opportunities of the net zero emissions transition.


Climate Action 100+ 2021 Year in Review: A Progress Update

Report | Climate Action 100+ | March 2022

2021 was a year of more growth, impact and influence for Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest-ever investor engagement initiative on climate change.

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Pursuit of Ambitions: Net Zero Investment in Asia 2021 (3rd edition)

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2022

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has undertaken an annual study since 2019 to gather investor insights on how the market is defining and investing in climate-aligned opportunities, and the barriers to increased investment they continue to face. This report outlines findings from the third survey.


Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in the decisive decade for decarbonisation: The Case For Asia

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | December 2021

This report aims to triangulate the reasoning of narratives where assumptions for CCS are being deployed to varying extents as part of corporate decarbonisation strategies. By providing a sector-level analysis of the prospect of CCS deployment, complemented with country perspectives, the report examines the cost competitiveness of CCS and seeds questions for investors to ask of companies with regards to their approach with CCS deployment.



Power of ASEAN: Accelerating clean energy in Vietnam and Indonesia

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | October 2021

ASEAN is endowed with strong solar resources and, in selected locations, good wind resources. Based on our
quantitative assessment, the cost of building new solar and wind capacity is cheaper than building new
coal/gas capacity in ASEAN.

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China Emissions Trading System – A new dawn

Report | AIGCC & Schroders | August 2023

The advent of China’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) will bring direct carbon costs to high emission sectors in China and create the world’s largest carbon market. Initial impact is expected to be limited given low bars, and we expect a more material impact by the middle of this decade as China focuses on peaking emissions in that timeframe

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Asia’s Net Zero Energy Investment Potential

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2021

AIGCC estimates that the investment opportunity for Asia’s energy supply to achieve net zero to be in the region of USD26 trillion (2°C scenario) to USD37 trillion (1.5°C scenario) cumulatively from 2020 to 2050 (equivalent to 1.7 per cent to 2.0 per cent of Asia’s GDP). We expect more details on the required investment in the coming months when governments unveil their net zero roadmaps.

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