Resource type: Guides

Greenwashing and how to avoid it.

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change & Client Earth | April 2023

Designed with asset managers, banks, and institutional investors in mind, the guide offers practical information to combat greenwashing:
  • An overview of emerging forms of greenwashing and the different regulations, guidelines and legal action on greenwashing across Asia and elsewhere;
  • Supplemented with selected case studies from leading financial institutions in Asia;
  • Recommendations for financial institutions to guard against greenwashing risks.


Guidance for Infrastructure Assets: Complementing the Net Zero Investment Framework

Guides | IIGCC, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change & Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2023

This implementation guide has been developed to support investors to include infrastructure assets within their net zero commitment, targets and strategy.


Net Zero Engagement In Asia: A guide to shareholder climate resolutions

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change & Client Earth | November 2022

With the growing urgency of climate change, corporate engagement on climate in Asia, once considered a novelty,has transformed in the last five years into a new but widely accepted form of stewardship. Opportunities have increased for investors to demonstrate their role as good stewards of their assets. International collaborations, such as Climate Action 100+, AIGCC Asian Utilities Engagement Program, Net Zero investor initiatives and global policy statements to governments on the climate crisis, share a common agenda in creating frameworks and increasing expectations around investing for a net zero future and to reach Paris-aligned climate goals through investor collaboration.


Climate Action 100+ アジアでのエンゲージメントに関する 投資家ガイド 2022年版(日本語参考訳)

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 2022年6月

このガイドは、ベンチマークが自社にどのように関係しているかを理解するためにアジアおよび新興市場の企業にどのように関与できるかについて投資家にガイダンスを提供し、投資家が気候変動目標の達成における企業パフォーマンスの理解を知らせるために使用できる他の独自のツールと組み合わせて使用できます。 。


氣候行動100+ 亞洲議合投資人指南 2022年最新指南

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 2022 年 6 月

本指南為投資者提供指導,指導他們如何讓亞洲和新興市場公司了解基準與他們的關係,並可與其他專有工具結合使用,投資者可以使用這些工具來了解公司在實現氣候目標方面的表現 .


气候行动 100+ 亚洲参与工作 投资者指南 2022年更新版指南

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | June 2022

本指南指导投资者如何让亚洲和新兴市场公司了解基准与他们的关系,并可与其他专有工具结合使用,投资者可以使用这些工具了解公司在实现气候目标方面的表现 .

Climate Action 100+ Investor Guide for Engaging in Asia: An updated guide for 2022

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change & PRI | June 2022

This Guide provides guidance to investors on how they can engage Asian and emerging market companies in understanding how the Benchmark relates to them and can be used in conjunction of other proprietary tools that investors may use to inform their understanding of company performance in reaching their climate goals.


Guidelines for Integrating Physical Climate Risks in Infrastructure Investment Appraisal

Guides | The Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment | April 2022

The methodology developed by The Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI) captures the collaborative approach of various specialists in a joint effort to advance a dynamic impact assessment of physical climate risks (PCRs) that can be incorporated in investment decision making. The document combines three main expert subject matter areas: climate science, infrastructure asset management & engineering, and infrastructure finance.


Riding the wave of Physical Risk: A compendium of tools and service provides for investors in Asia

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 28 October 2021

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has released a new compendium to help Asian investors navigate the wide variety of climate-risk assessment tools and analytics that are currently available and rapidly evolving. The Asia-Pacific region continues to witness an increase in the frequency and severity of climate-related hazards,

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