Market: Vietnam

Key insights from Asia’s institutional investors on climate scenario analysis, decarbonisation, and fossil fuel policies

Meeting Notes | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2024

In a memo written by investors for investors, 16 investors managing over USD 6 trillion in assets under management shared rare candid insights on the realities and challenges of addressing the climate crisis in their investment portfolios.

Read the Memo

AIGCC’s 2023 Year in Review

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2024

For our 2023 Year in Review, we detail our progress on our work and programs under AIGCC and our key strategic pillars – investor practice, policy advocacy, and corporate engagement, as well as a closer look at select markets – Japan, China, and South Korea.

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AIGCC 2023 Year in Review

7 February 2024

For our 2023 Year in Review, we detail our progress on our work and programs under AIGCC and our key strategic pillars - investor practice, policy advocacy, and corporate engagement, as well as a closer look at select markets - Japan, China, and South Korea.

Climate Action 100+ Progress Update 2023

Report | Climate Action 100+ | January 2024

Overall, while there is much more to do, the last year saw continued progress against the initiative’s three goals with 77% of focus companies now committing to net zero vs. 2022 across at least Scope 1 and 2 emissions, 93% having Board committee oversight of climate change risks and opportunities, and 90% of focus companies explicitly committing to aligning their disclosures with the TCFD recommendations.

Download the Report

Investor Progress on Net Zero: An Update for Policy Makers

Policy Briefings | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 30 November 2023

A stocktake of 183 Asian headquartered investors, with $33 trillion AUM.


New Research on Asian Investors Shows High Recognition of Climate Risks and Opportunities

30 November 2023

New data analysing the climate practices of 183 Asia-headquartered investors with $33 trillion under management shows a high recognition of climate risks and opportunities, widespread formal climate disclosures, and long-term target setting.

New Working Group to Accelerate Asset Owners’ Net Zero Work in Asia

3 October 2023

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has announced a new asset owners working group for Asia’s pension and sovereign wealth funds, and insurers to start in January 2024

AIGCC 2021 Annual Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2022

2021 saw the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) turn five years old. After modest beginnings of a handful of members and staff, and a launch in Singapore, AIGCC has grown rapidly as the region’s investors grapple with the complexity and opportunities of the net zero emissions transition.
