Market: Japan

AIGCC 2021 Annual Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2022

2021 saw the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) turn five years old. After modest beginnings of a handful of members and staff, and a launch in Singapore, AIGCC has grown rapidly as the region’s investors grapple with the complexity and opportunities of the net zero emissions transition.


Pursuit of Ambitions: Net Zero Investment in Asia 2021 (3rd edition)

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2022

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has undertaken an annual study since 2019 to gather investor insights on how the market is defining and investing in climate-aligned opportunities, and the barriers to increased investment they continue to face. This report outlines findings from the third survey.


Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in the decisive decade for decarbonisation: The Case For Asia

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | December 2021

This report aims to triangulate the reasoning of narratives where assumptions for CCS are being deployed to varying extents as part of corporate decarbonisation strategies. By providing a sector-level analysis of the prospect of CCS deployment, complemented with country perspectives, the report examines the cost competitiveness of CCS and seeds questions for investors to ask of companies with regards to their approach with CCS deployment.



Asia’s Net Zero Energy Investment Potential

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2021

AIGCC estimates that the investment opportunity for Asia’s energy supply to achieve net zero to be in the region of USD26 trillion (2°C scenario) to USD37 trillion (1.5°C scenario) cumulatively from 2020 to 2050 (equivalent to 1.7 per cent to 2.0 per cent of Asia’s GDP). We expect more details on the required investment in the coming months when governments unveil their net zero roadmaps.

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아시아의 탄소중립 에너지 투자 잠재력

Report | 기후변화에 관한 아시아 투자자 그룹 (AIGCC) | 2021년 3월

AIGCC에서 실시한 참조 연구에 따르면 아시아의 에너지 공급1이 탄소중립을 달성하기 위한 투자 기회가 2020년부터 2050년까지 누적 26조 달러(2°C 시나리오)에서 37조 달러(1.5°C 시나리오)로 추정됩니다(아시아 GDP의 1.7~2.0%에 해당). 앞으로 몇 개월 이내에 아시아 정부들이 탄소중립 로드맵을 발표하는 시점에 필요한 투자 관련 세부 사항이 공개될 것으로 예상합니다.


アジアにおける ネットゼロ・ エネルギー 投資の可能性

Report | 気候変動に関するアジア投資家グルー プ(AIGCC) | 2021年3月

AIGCC が実施した参照調査によると、アジアのエネルギー供給1 がネットゼロを達成するための投資機会 は、2020年から2050年累計で、26兆米ドル (2°C シナリオ) の領域から 37兆米ドル(1.5°C シナリオ)となる (アジアのGDPの1.7パーセントから2.0パーセントに相当)と推定されます。 当団体では、今後数か月で各国政府が 自国のネットゼロロードマップを公表する際に、投資要件についての更なる詳細情報が出されると見込んでいます。


Out of the Blocks: Net Zero Investment in Asia (2nd edition)

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2021

AIGCC has undertaken this study for the second year running to gather investor insights on defining and investing in climate-aligned opportunities, and the barriers to increased investment. The report provides the collective views of Asian investors with funds representing over US$1.9tn in assets under management surveyed over November-December 2020. These investors include asset owners (insurance firms, government pension and sovereign wealth funds) and asset managers.

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中央銀行の気候変動シナリオ: NGFS の解説

Policy Briefings | AIGCC & IGCC | 2020年 8月

NGFSシナリオの使用方法を示すため、AIGCCおよびIGCCは、NGFSの研究を用いて、アジアのエネ ルギーセクターにおける移行リスクの評価を分析した。 アジアのエネルギーセクターは、パリ協定 の目標を達成するために急速に脱炭素化する必要があり、これは、当該地域への石炭とガスの主要 輸出国であるオーストラリアにとって重要な意味を持つ。
