Market: Japan

New Japan edition of “Greenwashing and how to avoid it: An introductory guide for Asia’s finance industry” released

4 October 2023

The report presents regulatory and voluntary measures that have been introduced around the world to combat greenwashing. The report puts a particular focus on Japan, which has taken several key steps to address the issue of greenwashing in the financial sector.

New Working Group to Accelerate Asset Owners’ Net Zero Work in Asia

3 October 2023

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has announced a new asset owners working group for Asia’s pension and sovereign wealth funds, and insurers to start in January 2024

AIGCC & ClientEarth present: Greenwashing and how to avoid it: a focus on Asia’s financial industry, a breakfast side event at PRI in Person

Partner Event | Tokyo, Japan | 4 October 2023 @ 7:30 am - 8:45 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
This side event will bring together a distinguished panel of legal experts, investors, and regulators to discuss the many shades of greenwashing, from brand greenwashing to the mislabelling of financial products and funds, and the consequences of such acts, including regulatory enforcement and private litigation. The panel will also discuss what actions financial actors can take to avoid greenwashing risks.

Climate Action 100+ Japan signatory meeting

Working Group Meeting | Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan | 29 September 2023 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Climate Action 100+ is organising an in-person Japan signatory meeting to update Japan-based signatories about Phase 2 of the initiative, and to discuss corporate engagement structure, stewardship tools and strategies.

Asian Utilities Engagement Program: Year 2 Progress Update

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 10 August 2023

Investors’ $12 trillion Asian Utilities Engagement Program sees progress on coal phase out and expansion of renewable energy commitments Program’s second year also sees support for improving climate governance and decarbonisation strategies in the focus energy companies.


AIGCC Closed-door Roundtable on the Transformation of the Steel Sector in Asia (Chatham House)

Summit | In-Person | 3 October 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
We will discuss transition pathways to net zero for the steel sector in Asia, and to strengthen the region’s capacity to advance sector decarbonization efforts through international collaboration and partnership. 

AIGCC Symposium on Carbon Pricing Frameworks in Asia

Summit | Hybrid | 2 October 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
The session will discuss investor perspectives on key factors that should be considered in implementing carbon pricing frameworks to ensure effectiveness.

Nigel DeCoopman

Nigel is based in Tokyo and supports the implementation of the Asia Utilities Engagement Program and the Energy Transition Working Group.

2022 年の進捗状況: Climate Action 100+ の 5 年

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | January 2023

世界の自然環境や政治・経済状況は、この 5 年で考えら れないほど変化しました。経済圏やエネルギー・インフ ラの分断、パンデミック、戦争 – これらすべての根底には、 気候変動が私たちの食料システム、エネルギー安全保障、 天然資源に及ぼす脅威が拡大し続けているという事実が あります。 こうした変化が続く中、Climate Action 100+ は、世界的 に温室効果ガス排出量が突出している企業と、企業エン ゲージメントにおける投資家の重要な役割にスポットライ トを当てて、グローバルな規模での話し合いに変革をも たらしてきました。これは、他に類を見ないほどの大きな 成果であり、さらに勢いを増し続けています。
