Initiative: Investor Agenda and ICAPs

The Investor Agenda is a common leadership group focused on the climate crisis that is unifying, comprehensive, and focused on accelerating investor action. Its flagship program is the Investor Climate Action Plan (ICAP) framework, which provides a tool for planning progress towards net zero.

Updated Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Expectations Ladder

Guides | The Investor Agenda | July 2023

Edits to the updated ICAPs Expectations Ladder include:
  • Deforestation actions have been laid out clearly throughout the tiers to ensure that ICAPs are as comprehensive as possible in their approach.
  • Edits to the sub-focus criteria across different tiers and focus areas in line with the latest science and guidance.


Serena Li

Serena is based in Hong Kong and supports AIGCC members to better integrate climate change factors into their investment processes and decision-making.