Initiative: Investor Agenda and ICAPs

The Investor Agenda is a common leadership group focused on the climate crisis that is unifying, comprehensive, and focused on accelerating investor action. Its flagship program is the Investor Climate Action Plan (ICAP) framework, which provides a tool for planning progress towards net zero.

投资者⽓候⾏动 计划(ICAPs)期望阶梯

Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉

投资者⽓候⾏动计划 (ICAPs) 期望阶梯以现有的 倡议和资源为基础,为投资者提供了⼀套统 ⼀、全⾯的⾃我评估和转型规划框架,以帮助 投资者采取⽓候⾏动。



Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉

投資家気候⾏動計画(ICAPs) 期待達成レベル評価 は、投資家が既存のイニシアティブやガイダンスを 利⽤する唯⼀かつ包括的なフレームワークを通じ て、気候変動への⾏動をサポートするものです。


New Investor Agenda report identifies eight features for global climate policy required to catalyse greater climate action

6 September 2023

A new report by The Investor Agenda takes the opportunity provided by the UNFCCC Global Stocktake to summarize how global climate policy has developed and to describe the core features that should underpin climate policy going forward.

The Investor Agenda Global Policy Assessment Report

Report | The Investor Agenda | 6 September 2023

A new report by The Investor Agenda takes the opportunity provided by the UNFCCC Global Stocktake to summarize how global climate policy has developed and to describe the core features that should underpin climate policy going forward.


Updated Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Expectations Ladder

Guides | The Investor Agenda | July 2023

Edits to the updated ICAPs Expectations Ladder include:
  • Deforestation actions have been laid out clearly throughout the tiers to ensure that ICAPs are as comprehensive as possible in their approach.
  • Edits to the sub-focus criteria across different tiers and focus areas in line with the latest science and guidance.


Serena Li

Serena is based in Hong Kong and supports AIGCC members to better integrate climate change factors into their investment processes and decision-making.

South Korea’s carbon neutrality scenarios and enhanced NDC will boost national competitiveness in global capital markets

27 October 2021

South Korea’s two carbon neutrality scenarios and enhanced emissions reduction goal for 2030 will boost the nation’s competitiveness in international capital markets, the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) have said following formal confirmation on Tuesday.