The Asian Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) is an initiative to raise awareness and encourage action among institutional investors (asset owners and asset managers) in Asia on the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and low carbon investing.
AIGCC is a platform that provides the capacity for investors to actively share best practices and collaborate in investment activities, credit analysis, risk management, climate change engagement and policy advocacy in key Asian markets. With a strong global network, AIGCC represents the Asian investor perspective in the evolving global conversation on climate change and the transition to a green economy.
AIGCC members are Asian and global asset owners and managers across 11 markets, representing over US$35 trillion in assets under management.
AIGCC Activities
With a focus on global engagement, AIGCC collaborates with global and regional investor associations.
The AIGCC works with a global network of investor associations to develop and provide resources for investors, including tools and guidelines on integrating climate change into investment processes and portfolios.
Membership in the AIGCC gives you access to a range of global initiatives and working groups, including:
- Providing Asian investor perspectives and inputs to global initiative reports, frameworks, guidelines etc. on climate change
- Maintaining a peer-to-peer network through active participation in AIGCC activities
- Participating in global initiatives (e.g. Climate Action 100+, The Investor Agenda, Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, and Paris Aligned Asset Owners Initiative, etc.) and participating in projects of each initiative
Our goals for 2025
The AIGCC aims to achieve the following outcomes to impact investors in Asia:
- Increasing investment in net-zero emissions
- Accelerating Portfolio Decarbonization
- Advocating for strong climate policies and green economic development trajectories in our respective markets that are aligned with the Paris Agreement goals
The AIGCC Japan Working Group holds regular meetings for AIGCC members in Japan (approximately four times a year) and provides a platform for sharing the latest knowledge and information.
- A forum for discussing issues that are of interest to Japan
- A platform where meetings and events held in English can be discussed in Japanese
- A platform connecting Japanese AIGCC members with Japanese market experts
- A forum to provide Japanese perspective and Japanese market specific feedback on AIGCC activities and projects.
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