Evaluation Tools and Guidance
The group contributed to the compendium report of physical risks tools and service providers for Asian investors in 2021, and the Investor Expectations on National Adaptation Plans in Asia, which was brought to COP27 in late 2022.
Financing Asia’s National Adaptation Plans: An assessment of the region’s adaptation plans against investors’ expectations
The report is an assessment of the NAPs of nine Asian markets, benchmarked against seven investor expectations, and further mapped against elements of the NAP process as set out by the UNFCCC.
Asian governments will need to massively supplement public funding, which cannot meet the scale of climate adaptation required in most Asian markets.
As the exposure and vulnerability to physical risks – such as floods, heat stress, and water stress – vary across sectors and geographies, each market’s NAP thus forms the building blocks for policy certainty that is necessary to unlock private capital flows.
Riding the wave of physical risks: A compendium of tools and service providers for investors in Asia
We produced a summary of 18 providers that offer tools and analytics covering Asian companies and geographies for physical risk, and several case studies showcasing outputs.
The tools are a mix of top-down and bottom-up analysis, supporting portfolio assessment, security selection, strategic and tactical asset allocation, risk management and regulatory reporting.
Investors should note there is significant growth in this industry with new service providers coming to market regularly and frequent updates made to existing tools.
Investor Expectations of National Adaptation Plans in Asia
Our members are committed to working closely with governments on achieving set targets through the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.
The members of AIGCC’s Physical Risks Working Group have put together a list of key asks from governments on the various elements of the National Adaptation Plan process.
These include basing national adaptation plans on scenario analysis, prioritising vulnerable communities, and ensuring corporate disclosure on physical risks.