Firdaus Anuar

Project Manager, Japan

Firdaus is a Project Manager at AIGCC and has oversight of projects supporting investor engagement and market outreach activities, especially those in Japan. His core areas of work include coordinating AIGCC’s Japan Working Group, co-managing the Asia Utilities Engagement Program (AUEP) that runs in parallel to Climate Action 100+, and managing the AIGCC’s climate change training program.

Before joining AIGCC, Firdaus was at KPMG and ERM in Tokyo and has about 9 years of consulting experience in sustainability and ESG-related engagements. Firdaus holds a Master of Environmental Studies from the University of Tokyo and is fluent in Malay, English, Japanese and Indonesian. Firdaus also hold a Certificate in ESG Investing from the CFA Institute and Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance (CESFi) from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

Japan’s capital market is exposed to nature-related risks: new research by AIGCC

4 June 2024

Japan’s capital market and companies face moderate to high dependency on nature, especially the energy sector and the food, beverage and tobacco sector. The data shows that public equities in Japan are particularly exposed to nature-related risks, with 18%, or US$938 billion, of the local stock market’s capitalisation comprising companies in sectors with a higher direct dependence on nature.

日本の資本市場は、自然関連リスクに対するエクスポージャーを有する ― AIGCC(気候変動に関するアジア投資家グループ)による新たな調査―

4 June 2024



Report | 気候変動に関するアジア投資家グループ | 2024年4⽉





Report | AIGCC & PwC | 2024年5⽉



Q4 2023 Japan Working Group

Working Group Meeting | Hybrid (in-person at Nikko AM Tokyo office and Zoom) | 16 November 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Theme: Assessing corporate transition plans