Market: Japan

Climate Action 100+ 2023 年の最新の進捗状況

Report | Climate Action 100+ | 2024年1⽉

全体として、やるべきことはまだたくさんあり ますが、昨年は本イニシアチブの 3 つの目標 に向けて継続的な進捗が見られました。具体 的には、少なくともスコープ 1 および 2 の排 出量全体をネットゼロにすると約束する対象 企業の割合が前年比増の 77%、気候変動の リスクと機会について取締役会委員会が監督 している対象企業の割合が 93%、TCFD 提 言に沿った情報開示を明示的に約束する対象 企業の割合が 90% になりました。


Investor Progress on Net Zero: An Update for Policy Makers

Policy Briefings | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 30 November 2023

A stocktake of 183 Asian headquartered investors, with $33 trillion AUM.


New Research on Asian Investors Shows High Recognition of Climate Risks and Opportunities

30 November 2023

New data analysing the climate practices of 183 Asia-headquartered investors with $33 trillion under management shows a high recognition of climate risks and opportunities, widespread formal climate disclosures, and long-term target setting.

Q4 2023 Japan Working Group

Working Group Meeting | Hybrid (in-person at Nikko AM Tokyo office and Zoom) | 16 November 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Theme: Assessing corporate transition plans


Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023年7⽉

投資家気候⾏動計画(ICAPs) 期待達成レベル評価 は、投資家が既存のイニシアティブやガイダンスを 利⽤する唯⼀かつ包括的なフレームワークを通じ て、気候変動への⾏動をサポートするものです。


グリーンウォッシュと その回避方法: アジア金融業界向け 入門ガイド (日本版 2023 年 10 月更新版)

Report | AIGCC & ClientEarth | 2023 年 10 月



The Japan edition of “Greenwashing and how to avoid it: An introductory guide for Asia’s finance industry”

Report | AIGCC & ClientEarth | 4 October 2023

The report presents regulatory and voluntary measures that have been introduced around the world to combat greenwashing. The report puts a particular focus on Japan, which has taken several key steps to address the issue of greenwashing in the financial sector.


New Japan edition of “Greenwashing and how to avoid it: An introductory guide for Asia’s finance industry” released

4 October 2023

The report presents regulatory and voluntary measures that have been introduced around the world to combat greenwashing. The report puts a particular focus on Japan, which has taken several key steps to address the issue of greenwashing in the financial sector.

New Working Group to Accelerate Asset Owners’ Net Zero Work in Asia

3 October 2023

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has announced a new asset owners working group for Asia’s pension and sovereign wealth funds, and insurers to start in January 2024

AIGCC & ClientEarth present: Greenwashing and how to avoid it: a focus on Asia’s financial industry, a breakfast side event at PRI in Person

Partner Event | Tokyo, Japan | 4 October 2023 @ 7:30 am - 8:45 am
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
This side event will bring together a distinguished panel of legal experts, investors, and regulators to discuss the many shades of greenwashing, from brand greenwashing to the mislabelling of financial products and funds, and the consequences of such acts, including regulatory enforcement and private litigation. The panel will also discuss what actions financial actors can take to avoid greenwashing risks.