Initiative: Climate Action 100+ Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. Climate Action 100+ Global Review Webinar (Signatory-only) In Depth Briefing | Online | 5 September 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Timezone: Asia/Hong Kong Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyStewardship & Corporate Engagement Leaders in responsible investment call for more action on climate finance 17 July 2023 Director of Engagement Valerie Kwan spoke on investor stewardship and climate-related risks last week at the "Responsible Investment in Practice: Undertaking Stewardship with a Focus on Climate Change" webinar, co-organised by: AIGCC, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI); Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC Thailand); and United Nations (UN). Asia Investor Group on Climate ChangeClimate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyGovernance & DisclosureStewardship & Corporate EngagementThailand Climate Action 100+ announces its second phase 8 June 2023 The initiative has evolved its core goals, improved and expanded the ways investors can participate, and enhanced the investor engagement model. The new phase, running until 2030, intends to inspire a global scale-up in active ownership, markedly shifting the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans. Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyEngagement & Policy Working GroupStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Produces Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining: Consultation Draft 22 May 2023 Climate Action 100+, the world's largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has produced a consultation draft of the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. Climate Action 100+Engagement & Policy Working GroupMiningStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ releases the latest evolution of the Net Zero Company Benchmark 31 March 2023 In consultation with investor signatories, the initiative releases today an updated Benchmark (Benchmark 2.0) to ensure that it continues to effectively support investor engagements with focus companies during this critical decade. The enhancements made intend to embed a stronger focus on emissions reductions, alignment with 1.5°C pathways and the robustness of transition plans. The Benchmark will remain one of the key pillars of the initiative as it embarks upon Phase 2. Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyEngagement & Policy Working GroupGovernance & DisclosureStewardship & Corporate Engagement Five Years of Climate Action 100+ Progress and Next Phase 1 February 2023 The initiative has played a significant role in moving heavy emitting focus companies towards net zero, but this must accelerate. Climate Action 100+Engagement & Policy Working GroupStewardship & Corporate Engagement 2022 年の進捗状況: Climate Action 100+ の 5 年 Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | January 2023 世界の自然環境や政治・経済状況は、この 5 年で考えら れないほど変化しました。経済圏やエネルギー・インフ ラの分断、パンデミック、戦争 – これらすべての根底には、 気候変動が私たちの食料システム、エネルギー安全保障、 天然資源に及ぼす脅威が拡大し続けているという事実が あります。 こうした変化が続く中、Climate Action 100+ は、世界的 に温室効果ガス排出量が突出している企業と、企業エン ゲージメントにおける投資家の重要な役割にスポットライ トを当てて、グローバルな規模での話し合いに変革をも たらしてきました。これは、他に類を見ないほどの大きな 成果であり、さらに勢いを増し続けています。 報告書を読む Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyJapanJapan Working GroupStewardship & Corporate Engagement 2022 年最新進度: 氣候行動 100+ 五週年回顧 Report | 氣候行動 100+ | January 2023 過去五年,全球自然環境、經濟和政治格局發生了 難以想像的巨變。氣候變遷對我們的糧食系統、 能源安全和自然資源的威脅日增,使經濟集團內 部的矛盾升溫,加劇了能源基礎設施、疫情和戰 面對這些關乎存亡的變化,氣候行動 100+ 持續改 變全球對話模式,將焦點放在世上排放溫室氣體 最多的企業,以及投資人在企業議合中發揮的重 要作用:這是一項無與倫比的重大成就,而且我 們繼續乘勢而上。 下載 Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyStewardship & Corporate Engagement 2022年进展更新 : 气候行动100+五年历程 Report | 气候行动100+ | 2023 年 1 月 过去五年中,全球自然、经济和政治格局经历了 难以想象的巨变。在经济集团分裂、能源结构 瓦解、疫情和战争的背后,全球粮食体系、能 源安全和自然资源正面临与日俱增的气候变化 威胁。 在风云巨变中,气候行动100+始终致力于改变 全球对话,聚焦全球温室气体排放量最大的企业, 以及投资者在公司参与中的重要作用:我们取得 了前所未有的重要成就,并且还将继续发力。 下载 ChinaChina Working GroupClimate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyHong KongStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Progress Update 2022 Report | Climate Action 100+ | January 2023 Throughout the existential changes of the last five years, Climate Action 100+ has continued to change the global conversation, putting the spotlight on the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters and the important role of investors in corporate engagement: a major and unrivalled achievement, and one that continues to gain momentum.Download Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyEngagement & Policy Working GroupStewardship & Corporate Engagement