Initiative: Climate Action 100+ Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. Latest Net Zero Company Benchmark results show slow progress for Australian focus companies 27 September 2023 Australian focus company assessments released early to provide investors with updated Benchmark data ahead of regional AGMs. AustraliaClimate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Japan signatory meeting Working Group Meeting | Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan | 29 September 2023 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am Timezone: Asia/Tokyo Climate Action 100+ is organising an in-person Japan signatory meeting to update Japan-based signatories about Phase 2 of the initiative, and to discuss corporate engagement structure, stewardship tools and strategies. Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyJapanStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ releases the first Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining 6 September 2023 Climate Action 100+ has released its Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. The first of its kind in this sector, the new standard aims to help investors assess the progress of diversified mining companies as they move towards net zero. Climate Action 100+MiningStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining & Investor Expectations Guides | Climate Action 100+ | 6 September 2023 Climate Action 100+ has released its Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. The first of its kind in this sector, the new standard aims to help investors assess the progress of diversified mining companies as they move towards net zero.DownloadDownload Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining Climate Action 100+MiningStewardship & Corporate Engagement AIGCC Closed-door Roundtable on the Transformation of the Steel Sector in Asia (Chatham House) Summit | In-Person | 3 October 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Timezone: Asia/Tokyo We will discuss transition pathways to net zero for the steel sector in Asia, and to strengthen the region’s capacity to advance sector decarbonization efforts through international collaboration and partnership. Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyJapanManufacturingStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Global Review Webinar (APAC Session) In Depth Briefing | Online | 23 October 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am Timezone: Asia/Hong Kong Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Global Review Webinar (Signatory-only) In Depth Briefing | Online | 5 September 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Timezone: Asia/Hong Kong Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyStewardship & Corporate Engagement Leaders in responsible investment call for more action on climate finance 17 July 2023 Director of Engagement Valerie Kwan spoke on investor stewardship and climate-related risks last week at the "Responsible Investment in Practice: Undertaking Stewardship with a Focus on Climate Change" webinar, co-organised by: AIGCC, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI); Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC Thailand); and United Nations (UN). Asia Investor Group on Climate ChangeClimate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyGovernance & DisclosureStewardship & Corporate EngagementThailand Climate Action 100+ announces its second phase 8 June 2023 The initiative has evolved its core goals, improved and expanded the ways investors can participate, and enhanced the investor engagement model. The new phase, running until 2030, intends to inspire a global scale-up in active ownership, markedly shifting the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans. Climate Action 100+Decarbonising the EconomyEngagement & Policy Working GroupStewardship & Corporate Engagement Climate Action 100+ Produces Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining: Consultation Draft 22 May 2023 Climate Action 100+, the world's largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has produced a consultation draft of the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. Climate Action 100+Engagement & Policy Working GroupMiningStewardship & Corporate Engagement