Topic: Asia Investor Group on Climate Change

New US and Japanese 2030 emissions reduction goals accelerate the global race to attract investment in net zero emissions industries and infrastructure

26 April 2021

The global race to attract private capital investment into net zero emissions industries and infrastructure has accelerated after President Biden committed the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 and Prime Minister Suga committed Japan to a 46 per cent reduction from 2013 levels, ultimately aiming for 50 per cent below.

The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative grows to 87 investors managing $37 trillion, with the world’s three largest asset managers now committing to net zero goal

21 April 2021

  • Ahead of Earth Day and Leaders Summit on Climate, initiative announces it now includes BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Global Advisors
  • Asset managers promise to work with clients to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and set 2030 emissions reduction targets
More of the world’s largest asset managers announced today that they are joining the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, a clear sign that the global movement for a net-zero emissions economy is growing stronger and more determined.

‘Race to Zero’ business roundtable to showcase Japanese business and investor climate leadership

15 April 2021

The United Nations COP26 High-Level Champion for Climate Action, Nigel Topping, will convene senior Japanese business leaders at 3pm JST on Monday 19 April for a roundtable event to showcase Japanese business climate leadership and accelerating momentum in the pursuit of the “Race to Zero”, the flagship campaign for mobilising non-state actors to reach net zero by 2050 at the very latest in the run up to the COP26 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow later this year.

Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative Triples in Assets Under Management as 43 New Asset Managers Commit to Net Zero Emissions goal

29 March 2021

  • 43 new investor signatories to Net Zero Asset Managers initiative will work in collaboration with clients to achieve 2030 emissions reduction targets and reach net zero by 2050 or sooner.
  • The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative now has a total 73 signatories representing $US32 trillion in assets under management (AUM), 36 per cent of the global total
  • Net Zero Asset Managers initiative is now accredited by the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign
Asset managers representing over $US22.8 trillion of assets under management (AUM) today announced that they are new signatories to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

Climate Action 100+ issues its first-ever net zero company benchmark of the world’s largest corporate emitters

22 March 2021

– Benchmark defines key indicators of success for business alignment with a net zero emissions future and goals of the Paris Agreement – Detailed assessments show companies are increasingly making ambitious climate commitments, but now need to deliver – Benchmark sets clear engagement priorities for $54 trillion investor-led initiative to drive faster corporate climate action Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has released its first-ever benchmark evaluating the corporate ambition and action of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters and other companies with significant opportunity to drive the net zero transition.

Asian net zero energy transition will create a century-defining $37 trillion investment opportunity: new analysis

8 March 2021

A Paris-aligned transition to net zero emissions across Asia would create up to $US37 trillion out to 2050 in fresh investment opportunities in energy alone, a new analysis by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) finds. The new AIGCC policy brief analysed the outputs of multiple global climate and energy modelling projects to help investors begin understanding the scale of investment opportunities that will be created across Asia in meeting the Paris Agreement goals.

New industry survey finds large appetite for net zero investment across Asia

2 March 2021

Asian investors are adopting more sophisticated strategies and tools to manage climate change risks and have a large and growing appetite for climate-aligned investments, the latest industry survey by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has found. The second annual Net Zero Investment in Asia survey canvassed the views of regional investors from organisations collectively representing over USD1.9 trillion in assets under management across November and December 2020.

Climate Action 100+ progress report records accelerated company commitments to net-zero emissions but gaps remain

17 December 2020

Almost half the focus companies of Climate Action 100+ – the world’s largest ever investor engagement initiative on climate change – have now established commitments to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, its latest progress report reveals. The Climate Action 100+ 2020 Progress Report also outlines the significant growth and evolution of Climate Action 100+.

Leading Asset Managers Commit to Net Zero Emissions Goal with Launch of Global Initiative

11 December 2020

  • 30 founding investor signatories to Net Zero Asset Managers initiative will work in collaboration with clients to achieve target-based net zero goal by 2050 or sooner
  • Other asset managers encouraged to join initiative, to demonstrate sector leadership and commitment to sustainable future
  Asset managers representing over $9 trillion of assets under management (AUM) today announced the launch of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

Investors set to boost engagement with Asian electric utilities on climate change

1 December 2020

A new report by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) calls on electric utilities to ramp up efforts to mainstream climate risk response into their business strategies and existing operations to be better prepared for the transition to a net-zero emissions economy. The AIGCC report finds that electric utilities across the region are of particular concern to investors due to their emissions-intensive nature.