Topic: Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
24 September 2021
Investors engaging with CLP Group on climate change through the Asian Utilities Engagement Program have welcomed the company’s commitments to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and phasing out its coal power fleet by 2040.
20 September 2021
- Paris Aligned Asset Owners group grows to 40 investors with combined assets under management of USD 2.35 trillion
- New joiners to the initiative include HESTA – the first Australian signatory – as well as number of Danish pension funds, Railpen, Tesco Pension Investment
and Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company
- Investors commit to achieving net zero portfolio emissions by 2050 or sooner, engaging with this target in mind, and increasing investments in climate
- Signatories join at the start of Climate Week NYC 2021, boosting membership of the Race to Zero campaign
12 new asset owners have joined the 28 existing signatories to the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative Net Zero Asset Owner Commitment, bringing the total signatories to the initiatives to 40.
14 September 2021
In the run-up to the most consequential United Nations climate change conference in years, and on the heels of another urgent warning from the world’s leading scientists, a record number of 587 investors with US$46 trillion in assets under management are urging governments to rapidly implement five priority policy actions that will allow them to invest the trillions needed to respond to the climate crisis.
17 August 2021
China’s landmark national emissions trading scheme has the potential to reduce the country’s carbon emissions by three to six billion tonnes a year by 2060, new analysis by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) and Schroders has found.
The new analysis finds that the initial impact of the national trading scheme (ETS) launched will be limited but could become more material for covered industries and companies by the mid-2020s as China aims to peak emissions before 2030.
15 July 2021
The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change has encouraged Chinese investors to adopt climate action plans to achieve carbon neutrality in an address to the 2021 ChinaSIF Summer Summit in Beijing.
In a remote address to the summit, AIGCC Chief Executive Officer, Rebecca Mikula-Wright, made the following key points:
亚洲投资者气候变化联盟(AIGCC)的首席执行官Rebecca Mikula-Wright于远程致辞提出以下要点:
- Expectations for investors to align their portfolios with net zero emissions are accelerating and many are now moving from adopting this goal to implementing it across their portfolios.
6 July 2021
- Net Zero Asset Managers initiative grows to 128 investors managing USD$43 trillion – all committed to net zero goal
- Momentum galvanised, contributing to ‘net zero tipping point’ as approaching half of all assets across global asset management sector are now part of initiative
- Signatories to work with clients to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and set 2030 interim targets
41 leading asset managers, representing USD$6.8 trillion in assets, are today joining the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.
10 June 2021
457 investors managing more than US$41 trillion in assets have released a new joint statement to all world governments urging a global race-to-the-top on climate policy and warning that laggards will miss out on trillions of dollars in investment if they aim too low and move too slow. This represents the largest collective assets under management to sign on to a global investor statement to governments on climate change since the first statement in 2009.
7 June 2021
A new program backed by 13 institutional investors and stewardship service providers, responsible for $8.8 trillion in assets under management or advice, has been launched to engage Asia’s systemically important electric utilities on cutting emissions, strengthening disclosure and improving governance of climate-related risks.
24 May 2021
The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) will host a forum as part of the P4G Global Summit Seoul featuring contributions from some of the region’s largest institutional investors about what asset owners and managers can do to address climate change and help accelerate the transition to net zero emissions.
20 May 2021
Investors called on to lay out comprehensive Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) in line with reaching the goal of a global net zero emissions economy by 2050 or sooner
The founding partners of The Investor Agenda released today a new tool to enable institutional investors to step up action to tackle the climate crisis and accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy.