Topic: Asia Investor Group on Climate Change

Navigating physical climate risk: a new compendium of tools for Asian investors

28 October 2021

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has released a new compendium to help Asian investors navigate the wide variety of climate-risk assessment tools and analytics that are currently available and rapidly evolving. The Asia-Pacific region continues to witness an increase in the frequency and severity of climate-related hazards, which pose significant and, without adaptation, persistent financial risks to investors in the region.

733 investors with more than US$52 trillion issue strongest-ever unified call for governments to end fossil fuel subsidies, phase out coal, and mandate climate risk disclosure, in a final plea ahead of COP26

27 October 2021

Signatories represent more than half of all assets under management globally A record 733 institutional investors from around the world, with more than US$52 trillion in assets under management, have signed an ambitious statement to governments ahead of COP26, calling for a number of measures that would help avoid catastrophic temperature rise and manage climate risk.

South Korea’s carbon neutrality scenarios and enhanced NDC will boost national competitiveness in global capital markets

27 October 2021

South Korea’s two carbon neutrality scenarios and enhanced emissions reduction goal for 2030 will boost the nation’s competitiveness in international capital markets, the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) have said following formal confirmation on Tuesday. The Republic of Korea Cabinet has confirmed two carbon neutrality scenarios for the nation, both including a complete coal phase-out date by 2050 and the nation’s enhanced national emissions reduction goal of 40 per cent below 2018 levels by 2030.

Indonesia and Vietnam can accelerate transition to clean energy and cut costs: new AIGCC ASEAN power sector analysis

20 October 2021

The cost of building new solar and wind energy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is now cheaper than coal and gas, allowing the region to accelerate its net zero transition with the right policy reforms, a new analysis released by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has found.

G20 policies failing to attract the necessary investments in climate solutions

18 October 2021

  • A Report Card of G20 countries’ climate policies finds several Asia-Pacific nations are among the least attractive green investment destinations
  • Strong 2030 emissions targets, net zero by 2050 and mandatory climate risk disclosure can close the gap and attract investment
  • Investors with over US$46 trillion in assets are calling on G20 leaders to act as the most consequential international climate conference since Paris approaches
  • G20 countries have significant work to do to ensure climate risk is effectively managed
An assessment released today by three major global investor groups that G20 countries have significant policy barriers deterring investment in the opportunities to tackle the growing climate crisis.

Climate Action 100+ investors encourage Korean Republic Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality to support companies with clear 2050 decarbonisation pathways

11 October 2021

Investor and stewardship service provider signatories to Climate Action 100+ have written to the Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality encouraging it to outline a clear and fully aligned-2050 decarbonisation pathway to support South Korean company transition to net zero emissions. The letter urges that the recently developed Net Zero 2050 scenario from the International Energy Agency (IEA NZ2050), and its indicative coal and gas phase-out dates, be embedded in the transition pathways the Committee is developing for South Korea to achieve its mid-century carbon neutrality goal.
Eric Nietsch

Asian Utilities Engagement Program investors welcome climate and energy transition commitments from CLP Group

24 September 2021

Investors engaging with CLP Group on climate change through the Asian Utilities Engagement Program have welcomed the company’s commitments to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and phasing out its coal power fleet by 2040.

Paris Aligned Asset Owners group grows to USD 2.35 trillion with new additions from Australia and Europe

20 September 2021

  • Paris Aligned Asset Owners group grows to 40 investors with combined assets under management of USD 2.35 trillion
  • New joiners to the initiative include HESTA – the first Australian signatory – as well as number of Danish pension funds, Railpen, Tesco Pension Investment
    and Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company
  • Investors commit to achieving net zero portfolio emissions by 2050 or sooner, engaging with this target in mind, and increasing investments in climate
  • Signatories join at the start of Climate Week NYC 2021, boosting membership of the Race to Zero campaign
12 new asset owners have joined the 28 existing signatories to the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative Net Zero Asset Owner Commitment, bringing the total signatories to the initiatives to 40.

587 investors managing $46 trillion in assets urge governments to undertake five priority actions to accelerate climate investment before COP26

14 September 2021

In the run-up to the most consequential United Nations climate change conference in years, and on the heels of another urgent warning from the world’s leading scientists, a record number of 587 investors with US$46 trillion in assets under management are urging governments to rapidly implement five priority policy actions that will allow them to invest the trillions needed to respond to the climate crisis.

China’s national ETS could have material impact by mid-decade: new analysis

17 August 2021

China’s landmark national emissions trading scheme has the potential to reduce the country’s carbon emissions by three to six billion tonnes a year by 2060, new analysis by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) and Schroders has found. The new analysis finds that the initial impact of the national trading scheme (ETS) launched will be limited but could become more material for covered industries and companies by the mid-2020s as China aims to peak emissions before 2030.