Daehyun Cho

Program Manager, Korea

Dr. Daehyun Cho is a Program Manager at AIGCC, responsible for supporting investor engagement and market outreach activities mainly in Korea, including coordinating AIGCC’s upcoming Korea Working Group.

Prior to joining AIGCC, Daehyun was an Assistant Professor in Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon (KAAY), teaching accounting and management related courses to military cadets. Before that, Daehyun was a Senior Analyst at Sustinvest, a Korean-local proxy advisory & ESG ratings firm, leading the proxy advisory services.

Daehyun holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from Korea University, Master’s Degree in Green Business and Policy from Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Doctoral Degree in Management of Technology from Korea University.

조속한 지속가능성 공시기준 제정 및 의무화를 통해 ‘기후 밸류업’ 추진해야 – 한국 지속가능성 공시기준 공개초안에 대한 AIGCC 의견 –

21 August 2024

아시아 기후변화 투자자 그룹 (Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, AIGCC)은 지난 4월 30일 공개된 한국 지속가능성 공시기준 공개초안에 대해 의견서를 작성 및 한국회계기준원에 제출하였다.

Submission to the Korea Sustainability Standards Board’s Public Consultation on the Exposure Draft of the Korean Sustainability Disclosure Standards (KSDS)

Policy Submissions | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | August 2024

As AIGCC supports the development of consistent sustainability reporting standards globally, we welcome the opportunity to comment on the Exposure Draft of the ‘Korean Sustainability Disclosure Standards (KSDS)’.

Read the Submission

투자자 기후행동 계획 (ICAPs) 기대 단계 (Expectations Ladder)

Guides | The Investor Agenda | 2023년 7월

투자자 기후행동 계획 (ICAPs) ‘기대 단계 (Expectations Ladder)’는 투자자들의 기후 변화 대응을 돕기 위한 포괄적 인 단일 프레임워크로, 기존의 이니셔티브와 자원들을 바탕 으로 투자자들이 자체평가 및 전환 계획을 수립할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
