Market: Hong Kong

Serena Li

Serena is based in Hong Kong and supports AIGCC members to better integrate climate change factors into their investment processes and decision-making.

2022年进展更新 : 气候行动100+五年历程

Report | 气候行动100+ | 2023 年 1 月

过去五年中,全球自然、经济和政治格局经历了 难以想象的巨变。在经济集团分裂、能源结构 瓦解、疫情和战争的背后,全球粮食体系、能 源安全和自然资源正面临与日俱增的气候变化 威胁。 在风云巨变中,气候行动100+始终致力于改变 全球对话,聚焦全球温室气体排放量最大的企业, 以及投资者在公司参与中的重要作用:我们取得 了前所未有的重要成就,并且还将继续发力。


Asian Utilities Engagement Program 21-22 Progress Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | July 2022

At AUEP’s one-year mark, three additional investors were joining the program, taking the combined assets under management or advice by the participating investors to $US 10 trillion. Two new focus companies have been added: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) and Huaneng Power International. Indonesia will be an important focus

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氣候行動100+ 亞洲議合投資人指南 2022年最新指南

Guides | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | 2022 年 6 月

本指南為投資者提供指導,指導他們如何讓亞洲和新興市場公司了解基準與他們的關係,並可與其他專有工具結合使用,投資者可以使用這些工具來了解公司在實現氣候目標方面的表現 .


AIGCC 2021 Annual Report

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2022

2021 saw the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) turn five years old. After modest beginnings of a handful of members and staff, and a launch in Singapore, AIGCC has grown rapidly as the region’s investors grapple with the complexity and opportunities of the net zero emissions transition.


Pursuit of Ambitions: Net Zero Investment in Asia 2021 (3rd edition)

Report | Asia Investor Group on Climate Change | February 2022

The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has undertaken an annual study since 2019 to gather investor insights on how the market is defining and investing in climate-aligned opportunities, and the barriers to increased investment they continue to face. This report outlines findings from the third survey.


Eric Nietsch

Asian Utilities Engagement Program investors welcome climate and energy transition commitments from CLP Group

24 September 2021

Investors engaging with CLP Group on climate change through the Asian Utilities Engagement Program have welcomed the company’s commitments to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and phasing out its coal power fleet by 2040.