AIGCC CEO/CIO Asset owner Roundtable

1 September 2018

AIGCC held the inaugural CEO/CIO Asset owner Roundtable in September 2017. This forum is the flagship event for AIGCC, bringing asset owners from Asia and internationally together in a forum of peer to peer sharing of knowledge and information. This assists in providing guidance and information developed by global investor peers on the benefits of integrating climate change risks and opportunities into their investment policies and processes.

Following on from the inaugural event, the 2018 Roundtable will once again be held in Singapore on September 12th 2018 as a side event of the Milken Institute Asia Summit. This event is a private, invitation-only event for around 20 CEO and CIO representatives from Asian institutional investors and international guests, conducted under Chatham House rules.

The aim of the event is to build on the knowledge developed in the 2017 Roundtable where the impact of climate risk for investors in Asia was discussed. It also aims to develop a deeper understanding of where climate implications can fit within ESG policy and management frameworks and how they could be applied for investors in the region.

The roundtable format discussed the latest issues of relevance to investors in the region and assist in developing resources to be made available to all investors. The report: Incorporating Climate Change into Investment Strategy, A Guide for Investors, was discussed and incorporated feedback from the 2017 event to allow investors to contribute meaningfully to the development of the guide. The guide was then translated into Chinese and Japanese and are now also available on the website.

The Asia Investor Group organises similar capacity building workshops and events in Asia for all investors including investment managers and service providers in the region that cover topics such as investor and corporate disclosure against the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), engagement and more.